Benefits of Apple Skin for Health

Benefits of Apple skin for health - Everyone must know that apples contain a lot of benefits to health. However, if the benefits of apple skins may not yet widely known. Which obviously do not throw the apple skin. The reason is simple, because the apple skins contain quercetin - a substance that is needed to increase levels of antioxidants to prevent various disease.

Benefits of Apple Skin for Health

Findings by scientists from Cornell University stated that only apples, which have quercetin. It just means apple is able to provide the antioxidant equivalent of 1.500mg vitamin c of fresh apple extract from a medium size apple.

Then the results of the study also shows, an apple is eaten every day can reduce cholesterol up to 10%. Fitokimianya substances act against free radicals and suppress the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). And the high fiber, certainly able to withstand the coming hungry.

While Dr ity. barry Sears in his book The Top 100 Zone Foods declare an apple is a remarkable fruit that can control blood sugar. "Apples are the source of soluble fiber, especially pectin which helps insulin levels, memperlambatpengeluaran sugar into the bloodstream. Mampui Pectin also reduces cholesterol levels by reducing insulin secretion," he explained.

All results, it has actually been proven since the time of mythology. At that time, the apple has been associated with healing of diseases for the god Apollo. According to the physician Hippocrates and Galen, the custom of eating apples is very beneficial for digestion. That's because apple has been eaten began to mushroom, and the effect is very good for digestion.

I hope the information regarding the health benefits of apple skin can be helpful:)

Benefits of Apple Skin for Health