How to Overcome Overcoming Flatulence

How to Overcome Overcoming Flatulence - there are some problems in the stomach, one of which is abdominal bloating, there are several ways to overcome flatulence for example:

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By Ginger

Take 4 vertebra ginger and then crushed, squeezed to take water. Half a glass of ginger ale and added brown sugar to taste and drink. Bloated stomach and into the wind will soon disappear.

With Beligo

Flatulence will soon be cured with water beligo. Way, take beligo fruit that is not too large. Peeled and boiled. Let cool then squeeze the juice to be taken by using a clean cloth. Take the juice of half a glass, than drink it.

With Cinnamon

Ground cinnamon 1 / 4 teaspoon mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey. Drunk every day before meals until healed. This mixture reduces the acid levels in the stomach and help digest food as well as meat.

With Basil Leaves

Take a leaf of fresh basil or dried to taste and boil with a glass of water until boiling. Strain when cool and drink up the water. Apply 2 times a day.

How to Overcome Overcoming Flatulence